
Book Review of blood Relatives

Blood Relatives by Jay Path.
Release: 2019.
Genre: Fiction.

                     Book Review of Blood relatives


it’s a short story of 13 pages written by Jay Path. This story is based on a teenager, who has a lot of issues with her parents. She felt that her parents are not as normal as other's parents are, for a say, her parents don’t go out as much as other's parents usually do. They have had a drinking issue as they are too addicted to be alcoholic at every instance that she always finds them guzzling down bottles and bottles of red wine.
One day, she realized a usual thing felt by her in her body, which made her skin burning like fire, even though, drinking a lot of water, she still could not get over of her thirst.

My Review:

It was a good attempt to create suspense, but, while reaching middle of its section, only that I could have guessed is "what is going on". I believe that  the short stories should be unique, I mean that the short stories usually have a very few pages. Thus, it has to be something interesting and having attractive points to enhance the reader's curiosity, which further makes the reader anxious about what is going to be happened at the end of the story.

What all things I liked about the book?
  • I liked the background specification given in book.
What all things I disliked about it?
  • I didn’t find it unique, though, it was written that the story has an unexpected suspense, unfortunately, I got to know the suspicious link  only even in the middle of the story, it could not make me curious to go till the end of the story.
Reason to read it
·      I really appreciate the author, who has tried to write in this genre but if you are a very beginner, then you can try this out as it contains only 13 pages in kindle.

Any Reason to skip it
·      If you don't find yourself being fond for the short-stories, then, you may skip it.
·     I won’t recommend it to those, who just love suspense, thriller and mystery. But, the newbies can give it a try.

My Ratings: I would like to rate 2.5 out of 5 stars.

Note: it was a requested review but whatever I am writing about the book is my personal opinion. 


Book Review of blood Relatives Book Review of blood Relatives Reviewed by Archana Singh on January 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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